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For today's blog post I will be giving you an essential tip that will boost your productivity level. It will be very straight to the point as this hack will definitely help you to effectively manage your time and your life. I believe how much Time and Money relates to one another. And as you may have read my Ideal Week blog post I realized the value of productivity so much.
A common sample of to do list is like the image on the side. We either use bullets or numbers to signify hierarchy. A cross out or check for done and an "x" for failed attempts. We either bring out our to do lists as we start the day and end the night for a power pack review.
Now the above situation is how a normal person does his to do list. But today i will be sharing how you can re-engineer this for a perfect to do list that can be your accompaniment for life.
- Sort your tasks accordingly. There are two tips here that I will share. Number 1 is to sort the task by urgency and the second one is to sort the tasks by importance
- Tasks by importance can be of three things. The To do, To Follow and To Reject. File on To do that tasks that can be done in less than 5 minutes. Create a calendar or specific schedule for bigger tasks and call it as To Follow. For tasks which are beyond your limit learn to include on To Reject and you may either delegate this to someone or to fully withdraw your attention to the said task.
- Tasks by importance can be of two things. Tasks that's in line with your purpose and tasks that can be your reference. Personally, I take my morning routines and my blogging as tasks of my purpose so I keep them first of my priority. I cannot function knowing I did not pray, read the bible or journal just as I can not sleep not knowing I didn't write any worthy content for my beauty blog and this finance blog. Reference tasks are those that can be accomplished in a maybe-someday type like the trip to korea, the post graduation degree or the new language you'd study.
Select Your Daily Top 3. Every day list down the biggest tasks that are urgently needed and of high importance to you. It is very comforting knowing that you have accomplished something on a day rather than getting to sleep and realizing you haven't done anything useful
- Properly take a break in between tasks. Breaks are the holy grail of your to do's. It is important to properly set time to rest and just to take your mind off on what you are doing. This will increase your motivation because you are able to set free your anxiety for a couple of minutes. It will open fresh ideas too.
- Be intentional. Have a purpose for each task and realize what it would mean for you if and then you have it done, this way you can really give your focus and energy in finishing what you have written in your to do list. Adjust accordingly and with authority for again, you are the only one who has power or control about how your 24 hours will be.
Hope you learn somethings with this post. In less than a week I will be announcing the winner for my September Commenter of the Month!!!
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