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Top 10 Most Important Financial Lessons in Personal Finance- #3

Thursday, November 6, 2014

 I try to as always incorporate new things that can spice up this financial blog such as including webinars of past posts through my Youtube channel. If you want to subscribe click here) and creating posts based on Filipino financial terms such as paluwagan and 5/6.
In addition to the above I decided to create a series posts and as a premier I will be posting the Top 10 Most Important Lessons to Learn in Personal Finance.

#3 Plan
One thing that differentiates a successful person to the unsuccessful is the four-letter word PLAN. Planning can be called as one of the most important lesson in personal finance for it gives such a great foundation for the future. It is strategizing your actions towards your financial status and creating solid roadmap on how you can move forward.

Ways to Apply Planning in Your Finance Life

1.     Plan first before resigning to your current job. Have a plan b and even plan c before you say goodbye to your job for you may never know how hard it is to get a job this days. Read my post, Reasons I Quit My Job for solid realizations that you might ponder.
2.     Plan your day ahead. Time and Money correlates a lot. I realize that when I wake up late, I have a hard time commuting to work thus I am forced to take a cab. My budget is ruined and my productivity level is distracted.
3.     Plan the bank where you’ll park your money. Open a savings account in a bank you can trust in a long term.
4.     Plan your investments. Never invest in what you don’t know. Investing is too risky more so for first timers so realize the importance of researching the pros and cons of everything. Click here: How I opened my FAMI-SALEF with Pictures.
5.     Plan before you make any big financial decisions in life. What you do today will affect your future. If you choose to spend rather than to save today then be ready to live the consequences once you retire. If you choose to invest without any proper knowledge then you might find it very hard to maintain in long term.

Better be careful now than say sorry later right?! And that’s the reason why it is important to plan ahead. Clear out your goals and reassess your current status so that your financial disposition is for the win. 
Be better in your finances. Save Now, Invest Now and walk your way to success. Sign up in my Email List and receive templates to get you started in your Financial Wealth. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter for better updates. Godbless.
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