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Top 10 Most Important Financial Lessons in Personal Finance- #1

Wednesday, November 12, 2014
 I try to as always incorporate new things that can spice up this financial blog such as including webinars of past posts through my Youtube channel. If you want to subscribe click here) and creating posts based on Filipino financial terms such as paluwagan and 5/6.

In addition to the above I decided to create a series posts and as a premier I will be posting the Top 10 Most Important Lessons to Learn in Personal Finance.

#1 Learn to Give Back
Wow. After how many days and posts we are now down to the #1 on the list of Top 10 Most Important Lessons to Learn on Personal Finance.

Learn to Give Back. No matter what your financial status in life is, you have to be able to give back.

Whether you donate, you spend time, you help and/or you verbally announced your appreciation to the person, you need to give back by becoming a blessing to others.
But giving back doesn't mean opening yourself to anyone for anything. There's a certain limitation on how a person must financially give back.

Give back what you can.

Give back what you afford.

Give back what you verified as your overflow/excess.


1. Volunteer. The idea of volunterism will enable you to experience humility. New experiences is equals to new learning that could later be used for your betterment. You can also create networks through volunteering that can be very beneficial in your life.

2. Share your talent. Whatever God-given talent you have whether its in dancing, singing, acting or playing an instrument, you may want to give back by sharing it to the people around you. If you let that talent stay hidden, you might regret in a long run how you have wasted an entire life for nothing. You can even earn from your talent just like what I shared in How to  Earn Extra Income in the Philippines.

3. Tithe. It's written in the Bible that we must reserve 10% of our earnings to the Kingdom of the Lord. But it doesn't matter how much as long as it is from the heart. Remember that you are not saved by your good works but the grace of God. You may be able to feed thousands of orphan, create scholars and built church for your locality but if you are doing these things to show off then there's something wrong. Tithing is our own way of showing our appreciation to God's grace, love and blessings. You tithe through your time, your character, your principle in life and on what you own.


Be better in your finances. Save Now, Invest Now and walk your way to success. Sign up in my Email List and receive templates to get you started in your Financial Wealth. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter for better updates. Godbless.
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